30 August 2013

Sick of Stress? Me Too! Let's Lern Some Tips on How to Deal With it!

Greetings and Salutations everyone!

Well, these past couple of weeks have been a bit stressful.  Yes, I have been happy and cheery when talking to others and when making my posts on here.  That being said, people that know about this stress know about it and that is good for me.  I do not particularly want to muddle up your happy thoughts with my stress.  Instead, what I am going to do is give you all some of the tips that I follow to help with stress!  I hope that you all find them helpful as well!
Tip One
Oh William James.  I was never overly fond of reading his work, but this quote of his has always struck with me.  The reason being is it is very true.  You can always choose to not think about the things that stress you out.  Nobody is forcing you to be stressed out.  So, if something is stressing you out.  Try not to think about it.  Take some time to calm your mind before you make a stupid choice made in stress.  Stupid choices can be dangerous.  Maybe not in the present moment, but possibly in the long run.  You might not think too much of it now, butt later you might regret it.
Tip Two
Go to the park and play on the swings and various other playground equipment.  Not only does that burn calories, but it has the tendency to make you happy.  Maybe it makes you happy because you remember happy times in your childhood, or maybe it makes you think about how goofy you must look as an adult on a tiny piece of playground equipment.  I do.  I do it every chance I get.  I love to go play at the park and I am a quarter of a century old! 
Tire swings are my favorite!  So, get out and go to the park!  It has so many good benefits for your health.  Also, some parks have outdoor plays or concerts.  There are so many things to do when you go.
Tip Three
Do you have younger siblings or nieces and nephews?  Go hang out with them.  Take them for ice cream or to the park.  Not only will they think that you are awesome, but it will give you a chance to act goofy and have an excuse.  Little kids are awesome!  They are true to themselves and do not try to impress everyone.  People can learn a lot from little kids.  So, go out there and have fun with your family.   For those of you who do not know a great deal about me, I come from a huge family and we’re all pretty close.  I mean we have parties just for the heck of it.  Sure, we may not get along all the time, but we still love each other and help each other out with our problems.  The old saying is true you know, friends may come and go, but family is forever.  Here are some goofy pictures of my family and I for your giggles.

Tip Four
Eat chocolate!  Apparently it can give you the feeling of being in love.  Love makes you happy!  It is a wonderful stress relief.  This looks amazing to me.  So, go out and get some chocolate!  These are some of my favorite chocolate products. 
I recommend the Mars Bars…the British ones not the American ones.
Tip Five
Go make something.  Cook something, sew something, do something crafty.  Plant a garden.  Do something productive and be proud of what you have done.  Remember everyone is good at different things and you just have to find what you are good at.  For example, I am really good at doing sewing.  Check out this skirt that I made.
I am not so great at playing the Great Highland Bag Pipes or wearing the colour white as a turtle neck.  I probably should have not done that.  Doing something that you are good at gives you something to be proud of.  I stress out whenever I have something to do that I am not very good at.  So, I try to intersperse it with things I’m good at if I can. 
Tip Six
Click on this little emoticon. *\(^_^)/*  You cannot help but laugh at his profile picture.  Really, well played. 
Tip Seven
You know how at office supply stores they have giant rolls of bubble wrap.  It is true!  They do!  Go buy one and roll around on it.  It is so much fun and relieves stress like nobody’s business.  It also feels like you are getting a massage.  Massages make you feel pretty dang okay with the world.
Tip Eight
Go listen to this song by clicking on this picture.

 There is great truth in that song.  Either that or type in “Epic Soundtracks” into the Pandora Radio station.  It sounds like you are saving the world.  Who doesn’t love saving the world?  Just go listen to your favorite songs.  You will feel pretty okay with the world.
Tip Nine
Just remember that you cannot change the past.  You should not even try.  Things happen, people make mistakes, and the world goes on.  Nobody is perfect and nobody expects you to be either.  If they do expect that of you then they probably are not worth your time.  Just be yourself and not worry about the past.  You cannot change it.  Sometimes it feels like you are weighed down by your past mistakes, but if you just let go of that worry you will feel a lot better.   
So, I hope that this helps you all out.  These tips might not work for you.  They work for me and some of them are pretty easy to do.  However, you have to do what is best for you.  Sometimes it will not be easy.  Everyone has been through some hard times.  Believe me, I have.  You should not try to live in the past.  Learn from your mistakes and use what you have learned to improve your life now and in the future.  If in doubt think about how lucky you are to be where you are to worry about what you are worried about right now.  There are people all over the world that are far worse off than you.  So smile, be happy to be alive and well! 
Stay beautiful and stress free my lovelies!
Speaking of people that are in far worse condition than a lot of people in the world; at the moment there are over 1million children and other people displaced from their homes because of crisis in Syria.  The number is rising every hour of every day.  If you would like to help by donating please click on one of the links below!

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