07 November 2013

Things I'm Thankful For! Day Seven

This post is coming a  bit later in the day than most of them.  The reason for it is because today has been crazy.  I wish the craziness would either slow down or go away completely.  It just stresses me out beyond reason.  *takes a deep breath*  Anyway, on with today's post!

I am thankful for my boyfriend.  Sure, he can be a pain and at times I think he does not really understand that some of the things that he does or say can come off as being hurtful, but overall he is a pretty great guy.  In fact, he is the one that gave me a good deal of the charms on my PANDORA bracelets.

The most recent of those charms is the Maple Leaf.  That is on there to represent my family in Canada.  Matt puts up with my moodiness better than a lot of people and he really does a lot for me.  I really don't tell him how thankful I am for all that he does for me.  However, my strange personality quirks do not really let me say things like that out loud.  I seem to be better at writing those down. So, I hope you are reading this Matt! 

If I listed off all of the reasons that I was thankful for him I could probably write a short dissertation.  Since I really do not have time to do that, I guess I will cut it off right here.  Not because I am less thankful for him than other things, but I can think of a plethora of things I want to put down and I do not really know how to put them into writing.  I am sure that if you have someone you love, you understand that feeling.

Until next time!

Stay Lovely and Beautiful

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