20 November 2013

Things I'm Thankful For! Days Nineteen and Twenty

Another combined post! My apologies.  I have been super busy.  That also means that this post will be short.  I have had so much stuff that I'm doing that I have been running around like a chicken with its head cut off.  On with the post!

Anyway, today I am thankful for my Nintendo 3DS and my Pokémon games.  Why this?  It keeps me entertained when I travel and helps me de-stress.  I do not have very many games for it, but my favorite ones that I have are my Pokémon games.  I have a couple of other games for it, but not many.  Why Pokémon?  My love for Pokémon is deep and will never go away.  I have been playing Pokémon since it first came out.  Yep, I was around for Pokémania and still love it.  Sure, others might think that it is a game for kids.  I disagree with that though.  While its primary target is for children, I have found that as I get older and the new generations come out that there are ways to make it a bit more challenging for me than the games were when I was a kid just playing through for the story.  Now, I play not just for the story, but also for the experience.  Pokémon Y has not disappointed me so far!  On that note, it is also a really long game for a Pokémon game!  Jeez! I am barely halfway finished and I got it a few days after it came out.

Well, until next time! 

Stay de-stressed and wonderful!

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